Bisnis perhotrlan di Kota Yogyakarta masih sangat menarik dilakukan karena wilayah ini mengalami pertumbuhan yang sangat tinggi di sektor pariwisata,pendidikan,hospitalisasi seperti perhotelan. Yogyakarta juga merupakan salah satu kota pariwisata pavorit wisatawan,baik dari turis local maupun asing, inilah yang menjadi faktor utama laju pertumbuhan hotel yang sangat pesat.

Peluang tersebut semakin terbuka lebar dengan adanya dibukanya kembali kran pembangunan hotel dengan diterbitkannya Peraturan Walikota Yogyakaerta Nomor 85 Tahun 2018 Tentang Pengendalian Pembangunan Hotel , maka pendirian hotel dibuka kembali meskipun khusus hanya motel,losmen,guest house,home stay, hostel, penginapan remaja, pondok wisata, wisma pariwisata, pesanggrahan, rumah penginapan dan sejenisnya.
The business in the city of Yogyakarta is still very interesting because the region has experienced very high growth in the tourism sector, education, hospitalization such as hospitality. Yogyakarta is also one of the favorite tourist cities of tourists, both from local and foreign tourists, this is a major factor in the rapid growth of the hotel.

The opportunity is increasingly wide open with the reopening of the hotel development faucet with the issuance of the Yogyakarta Mayor Regulation Number 85 of 2018 concerning Hotel Development Control, so the establishment of hotels is reopened even though only motels, inns, guest houses, home stays, hostels, teenage inns, huts tourism, tourism houses, guest houses, lodging houses and the like.