Peluang pasar Jasa Pengembang Aplikasi dan Game dinilai sangat menjanjikan. Hal ini dilihat dari pertumbuhan pengguna ponsel yang sangat tinggi ditambah dengan infrastruktur Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi yang terus berkembang.
Peluang tersebut akan lebih fantastis lagi jika melihat potensi total bisnis konten multimedia di Indonesia yang dikatakan mencapai sekitar Rp11. pada ahun 2010.
Di negara-negara maju, perkembangan business multimedia berkembang menjadi quadreple play bundled pada satu paket jasa meliputi voice, broadband, entertaiment dan mobile service dengan diiringi transisi perubahan perkembangan bisnis menjadi platform baru bisnis informasi yang berpadu dengan perengkat teknologi informasi yang berkembang. Jasa internet (internet service) banyak mengembangkan konten-konten TV internet, konten video banyak berperan dalam memperbesar kapasitas konten dalam standart video player pada website yang dimiliki perusahaan internet seperti IPTV dan TV On Line. Indikasi Investasi
Pertumbuhan pesat penggunaan perangkat telekomunikasi seluler dan multimedia diharapkan menjadi peluang pengembangan industri konten di Yogyakarta. Karakter industri konten multimedia yang terbuka memberikan kesempatan bagi pengembang untuk memasuki bisnis ini. Hal ini menjadikan bisnis ini tidak memiliki batasan tertentu bagi pelaku usaha untuk memasuki pasar konten multimedia.
Market opportunities Application and Game Developer Services are considered very promising. This is seen from the very high growth of mobile users coupled with the ever-expanding Information and Communication Technology infrastructure.
This opportunity will be even more fantastic if we look at the total potential of multimedia content business in Indonesia, which is said to reach around IDR 11,000,000,000,000 in 2010.
In developed countries, the development of the multimedia business has evolved into quadreple play bundled in one package of services including voice, broadband, entertainment and mobile services, accompanied by the transition of changes in business development into a new business information platform combined with a growing information technology platform. Many internet services (internet service) develop internet TV content, video content has many roles in increasing the content capacity in standard video players on websites owned by internet companies such as IPTV and TV on line. Investment Indications
The rapid growth of device usage cellular and multimedia telecommunications are expected to become opportunities for developing the content industry in Yogyakarta. The character of the multimedia content industry that is open to giving opportunity for developers to enter this business. Thing this makes this business do not have certain limitations for business actors to enter the multimedia content market.